I was warned about those unscientific dissenters, these anti-biotechnologists, these politically motivated folks with hidden agenda during my undergraduate studies. So i started telling him what i thought of the book content. I was already on the verge of informing him about these conspiracy writers even before having read the damnable book.
Having himself a background in Botany, he didn't try to argue with me and joyfully gave me the book. So i decided to start reading its 266 pages and see what's the new conspiracy against GMO was again out there, just to find out that this wasn't a conspiracy theory book but a well researched book with literally hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of references, mainly scientific ones. Before i even finished the first chapter i had already abandoned my malignant suspicious of the author intention, and by the second chapter i had already
jettison my confidence about the safety of the GM food. By the end of the book, i am just completely bewildered! I never thought i'll be again able to change any of my views ... the cogency of the book argument hammered incessantly with facts, evidences and again facts and evidences over and over left me with no more defense for my prior skepticism well cemented since my university years.
This is probably ... correction, this is so far the best book i have read for the past year! It is just superb! Brilliant! Irritating! Outrageous! And absolutely well written! I do recommend you this book. Actually, i'll have to get my own copy of this book in the near future.

The full title is: "SEEDS OF DECEPTION: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating". It is written by Jeffrey M. Smith.
I found the modest book website here:
NB: It is however clear on my mind that the charge against GM food cannot be applied on Gene Therapy, GM Medicine or GMO as experimental science in Laboratory. And yeah, i am still a Biotechnologist. I just have to revise some of my take on the implication of all this at the light of the new evidences and facts.
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