What i have never expected was what I read in this article:
"Scientists have identified many contributing factors [to teen suicide]: Discrimination, the number of sexual partners, substance abuse, being dumped by a romantic partner, parental divorce, child physical and sexual abuse, bullying and even excessive video-gaming play a role. Scholars at the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center have offered a novel contributing factor to teen suicide: high school."My surprise was to see 'excessive video game', an 'active pre-marital sexual lifestyle' and 'high school' being among the contributing factors of the American teenager suicide's rate. I suspect if you live and educate your child in the USA or similar environment you might want to be more involved in your child life as to control those quoted factors above. Yeah, even highschool! Actually, since 2008 i have been thinking of the 'bien fonder' of homeschooling and i think that i am becoming more and more open to make that an educational system of choice for my kids in the future, depending on where i'll end up living in the near future.
When the Lord advised on how to teach a child to the Israelite, he said: "And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you SIT in your house and when you WALK by the way and when you LIE DOWN and when you RISE UP." Deuteronomy 6:7 - Bible.
I suspect it is the combining effect of multi-tasking that makes God's educational system, effective. But how does one have the time to be trained in multiple ways when s/he spends the quasi-totality of his time in using basically one sort of educational style? Me-Think!
Have a nice day and weekend in Jesus name.
P.S: For those who might be interested, here is a thread of discussion about Homeschooling vs Public School:
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