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Pleasure is our new big problem, he reflects and philosophically argued. I probably would have forgotten all about that if I didn't read and listen few hours after that to an expert psychologist who now brought what seems to be an argument about the danger of excessive pleasures based on data collection and research that his team had done.
Basically, Video gaming (VG) and Pornography is the new problem and the new dream-killer of our youth generation of male. Who would have thought that pleasure could have such detrimental effects on lives? Well, Christians thinkers and other wise observers warned about that for many decades and centuries. Today, social scientists are joining those old voices in providing more and more data to sustain their ominous predictions.
What is fascinating is that, male (boys and men) are being the principal victims of this new destroyer! Honestly, it ain't much of a NEW destroyer. It is actually an OLD destroyer of dreams and visions. The first couple lost the first paradise because of pleasure*
" When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it" Genesis 3:6The lust and thirsty for that which is forbidden has long been the central problem of our human race. These pleasurable things may seem harmless but they are profoundly destructive when handled by unwise mind.
" (...) researchers say ... young men become hooked on arousal, sacrificing their schoolwork and relationships in the pursuit of getting a tech-based buzz. Every compulsive gambler, alcoholic or drug addict will tell you that they want increasingly more of a game or drink or drug in order to get the same quality of buzz. Video game and porn addictions are different. They are "arousal addictions," where the attraction is in the novelty, the variety or the surprise factor of the content. Sameness is soon habituated; newness heightens excitement. In traditional drug arousal, conversely, addicts want more of the same cocaine or heroin or favorite food.The consequences could be dramatic: The excessive use of video games and online porn in pursuit of the next thing is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment."You can read more about that on this CNN article titled: "The Demise of guys: How video games and porn are ruining a generation".
The lead researcher has also given a very short introduction on TED which i recommend the brief listening.
I hope you find this instructive and informative. May the Lord bring more of His light to this world through His church.
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* Genesis 3:6, doesn't speak of sexual pleasure. It couldn't be a sexual offense for the simple reason that Eve and Adam were a couple and had already received the mandate to replenish the earth (Genesis 1 and 2), and we know well how human populates a region, right?
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