jeudi 6 octobre 2022

My personal healing testimony

Couple of week ago, Michael Lofton from Reason & Theology had requested to his audience to send what they consider credible testimonies of the supernatural they have themselves witnessed not something that was reported to them. I found the invitation attractive and I decided to send him my testimony. I thank him for having given me the opportunity to share my story.  See below what I sent him, I hope you find it encouraging to your faith too and may the Lord Jesus be glorified for it.


Dear Lofton,

Greetings. As you requested in your show, please see one of my recent testimonies which I attribute to God's intervention.
Recent Testimony:

On the morning of April 7, 2020 - I received instant healing from my left shoulder sharp pain. I had spent the whole night in personal prayer and spiritual education. I watched a lot of Damian Stayne youtube videos and practiced on my shoulder each time he asked people in his audience to check if anything changed. Nothing happened. So I went from videos to videos, watching all the practical healing ministries including videos from the renown Catholic apostolate, Encounter ministries. By the time I reached the morning hours, I was tired and still in pain but not frustrated though. I had already learned about God's sovereignty so I didn't wonder why it didn't happen to me. I thought, maybe it would be for another day. As I was ending my personal night prayers, I decided to watch one more video, however, this time not a video on healing or miracles. Just something simple that I could relate with, maybe some apologetics. 

There was a video by Father Mathias Thelen titled, 'The Power of the Word of God'. I clicked on it expecting the usual reassuring doctrine about the importance of Holy scriptures or Bible study. I was playing a video game on my phone as I was listening to the 6 month old video by Father Thelen's expository preaching (I do not know if the preaching happened 6 months prior to my listening to it or was it posted on youtube 6 months earlier). 

Very quickly I realized that the video was about the Word of God being spoken through the 'word of knowledge' and the power it carries. Midway through his message, Father Thelen announced that 'Encounter ministries' has received an unusual 'anointing' to pray for people who have among other issues, pain in the left shoulder. When I heard that, my ear peaked. I paused my phone's game and became more attentive. Then he added, 'and people almost always get healed'. That's where he got my undivided attention. So he stopped his sermon and asked people in the audience to pray for each other by following his instruction. Since I was alone (my young family was still asleep), I laid my right hand on my left shoulder and followed the instruction. After the prayer, he asked the audience to test if the pain had either gone totally or alleviated to an 80% level. I tested, and my pain was still there! I thought, 'nice try, but I should have known, I tried it all night nothing happened'. So I went back to my phone's game while still listening to the first wave of testimonies from the audience. 

After the testimonies, he asked again that the audience repeat the exercise. I was happy to oblige. I stopped the video game, stood up in front of my laptop, and repeated every word of command he gave, just like the first time. Then he asked the audience to test if their pains were gone. That's when it happened. I moved my arm slowly as usual due to my acquaintance with the pain, but it was there I felt NO pain. I moved it again the second time to do a complete rotation and I felt NOTHING. I stopped, shocked but not sure if I did my rotation incorrectly. I did it again. NO PAIN. Then I kept rotating my arm in all directions searching for that sensation of pain I had become so accustomed to for the past 1 year due to a series of bad decisions I had made when I was doing weightlifting. Still NO PAIN. 

My pain used to be at about level 70% hurt and it was gone leaving me maybe with a level 5% pain. It wasn't a 100% pain removal. But a 5% pain was almost unnoticeable to me given that I was living with a 70% level of pain for a year.

That is how I got healed of my sharp pain on my left shoulder. I have testified it all around me here in Rwanda and some of my Christian friends in the USA and I also tried to pray for other people so that the Lord may heal them. I didn't encounter the same level of success at each turn though but I am glad the Lord was merciful to me. It was my first healing ever. At least one that I can testify without second guessing myself of its authenticity. 

Note: For me this counts as supernatural pain relief. I have maintained my healing since then and I have returned to some level of intense muscle building, but I am more careful now not to make the same bad decision as the first time. 

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